just need some more Jesus.”
your way through it!”
just need more faith!”
you be over that by now?”
are common clichés in the church world. While they are all true and have some
merit in their respective places, they have been used for years as Band-Aids to
mask deeper and darker issues of the soul. We’re taught early on to cover up and
mask issues in the church with sayings like, “I don’t look like what I’ve been
through.” (Well, maybe that’s your problem. You have on a mask and you can’t
get help for what you’re going through!)
years, the church as an institution has convinced its constituents that their
mental health is not important. The institution has taught people that they
lack faith or a certain level of spirituality because they desire to seek
counseling or other forms of mental health services. We have focused on the spirit,
but forgotten about the soul. We preach and prophesy to (or at) people Sunday after
Sunday, but their soul is still in need of major repair.
is not a statement of condescension, but rather a statement of experience and
concern: In my 6 ½ years of working in mental health, I’ve never seen so many
undiagnosed mental health issues. Issues that plague our ranks, from the pulpit
to the choir stand, from the pew to the parking lot, include depression (situational
and organic/clinical), anxiety, psychotic disorders, bipolar and other
emotional and mood disorders, death, grief and loss, thoughts of suicide, personality disorders and the like.
Somewhere in the last few years, “we” have figured out that being saved, sanctified,
full of the Holy Ghost and even “anointed and appointed” does not disqualify one
from having a mental health problem, no matter the level of severity. (Mental
health problems are “graded” on a continuum. There is more to mental health than "hearing voices"...)
old mindset is still in full effect in some sectors of Christianity. If you are
having problems in any of these areas, you either lack faith or you’re demon
possessed in need of “deliverance”. This erroneous teaching and ideology has
been passed down from generation to generation and it presents itself as diametrically
opposed to our present reality. We have people sitting in our pews—and in our
pulpits—who need real help, not for their spirit, but for their soul.
do I do when I am saved (spiritually prosperous); physically healthy (good health);
yet insolvent in my soul? Jesus asked an important question in the Gospels: “What
does it profit a man to gain the world, but lose His soul?” We often equate
this Scripture only to the initial work of Salvation from sin, however let’s
take a deeper look.
is a triune being: body, soul and spirit. When God formed man according to
Genesis 2:7, He formed him from the dust of the ground. This was his physical body.
According to 1 Corinthians 15:46, he was made first natural, then spiritual. He
then breathed a part of Himself into man (spirit) and then man became a living soul. The Hebrew word “soul”
there is ‘Nephesh’.
soul or the ‘nephesh’ is the will, appetite, desires and emotions of a man. It
is man’s personality. It is his mind; the way he thinks. We are a spirit, we
live in a body and we have a soul. The soul is also the seat of the heart and
the mind—not the brain! When mankind fell in the Garden of Eden, it was the soul
of man that became damaged because our souls desired sin.
we get to the New Testament, we switch to a Greek transliteration of the Bible.
The Greek word for soul is “psuche”, which is where we get the word “psychology”,
which is literally the study of the soul.
puts Jesus’ words in an entirely new context. What does it profit or benefit a
man (or a woman) to gain the entire world, but lose his or her soul (‘psuche’)—mind,
soul! I have found that many people in the church have gained things. We have
gained titles, we have gained positions, we have gained big churches and large
followings, we have gained money, we have gained fame (both inside and outside
of the church), we have gained relationships and connections, and we have
gained great success. However, what profit is it if we have all of these things
but our souls—the essence of who we are—is not healthy. It’s a cover up.
things that we have gained then become likened to the fig leaves that Adam and
Eve sewed for themselves in the Garden. They became aware of their nakedness
and their vulnerabilities—their frailty, so they attempted to cover themselves.
How many people use superficial in a weak attempt to cover deep wounds of the
is why 3 John 1:2 (NKJV) admonishes us: “Beloved, I pray that you may prosper
in all things and be in health, just as your soul prospers.” Since we are
triune beings, it’s not enough to have good physical health and good spiritual
health and not be emotionally healthy. That creates a false balance.
believe that there is a paradigm shift taking place in the Body of Christ. Many
people are coming to the realization that we can no longer “have church” over
soul issues. We can no longer dance, shout, speak in tongues, have praise
breaks and pour oil over deep-seated soul issues. People need healing and they
need wholeness and the only way to get it is to help walk people through these
issues. We cannot heal what we continue to ignore.
tell someone that they “just need prayer” is spiritually irresponsible. The
Bible says that faith without works is dead. Yes, I am going to pray for you
and then I’m going to counsel you! Even Proverbs 11:14 tells us that there is
safety in a multitude of counselors. Many times people are praying and “casting
out demons” and don’t even know what they’re praying for or against. Everything
is not a demon and everything doesn’t need to be “casted out”. Everything is
not demonic, and everything is not “a spirit”. Some things are psychological
and they need to be dealt with as such. Some people just need to be processed
through the hurt, guilt and shame of their past which has caused them to live
in a low place of negative core belief systems even though God has called them
to sit in Heavenly places with Christ Jesus.
assignment to the Body of Christ has been made even clearer over the past two
years. I don’t just preach and prophesy. As one who is certified, trained and
experienced in the mental health field in the secular marketplace, God has
graced me to use my expertise to reach out to pastors, leaders and lay members
alike who desire to see significant change. Many pastors have come to terms with the fact that their churches need licensed, certified and trained therapists and counselors on staff to properly deal with some of these issues that "pastoral" or spiritual counseling alone cannot address.
For so long we have looked at psychology and theology as polar opposites, however there are too many Scriptures that support just the opposite. The marriage of theology and psychology is quite beautiful when joined correctly and responsibly. God desires that His people be whole and I am committed to doing my part to help the body of Christ come into a place of not only awareness and change, but healing and wholeness.
For so long we have looked at psychology and theology as polar opposites, however there are too many Scriptures that support just the opposite. The marriage of theology and psychology is quite beautiful when joined correctly and responsibly. God desires that His people be whole and I am committed to doing my part to help the body of Christ come into a place of not only awareness and change, but healing and wholeness.
folks” need professional counseling and therapy too. We can no longer fight or
ignore this. We have a SOUL problem and what we’ve been doing has not been
working. It’s time to dig deep and heal the soul. It’s time to stop having all
of these major conferences (leadership conferences, men’s and women’s
conferences, singles conferences, marriage conferences, etc.) and not having
ANY component on mental health. People are suffering in silence while we’re “having
church” and raising offerings.
more has to happen before we take mental health seriously in the church? Does
another pastor have to commit suicide? Do more marriages have to break up? Do
more sinful lifestyles have to be exposed for the entire world to see? Our
approach has been reactive when it should be proactive. We are in a vicious
we need to pray. Yes, we need to fast and seek God. However, you can pray all
day and fast until you become anorexic. If you don’t challenge and change the
way you think (Proverbs 23:7, Romans 12:2) and come into a place of
introspection, you’re wasting your time. The mind must be renewed!
am not alone. There are plenty of saved, Holy Ghost filled, anointed therapist and
psychologists on the scene now. No more masks, no more clichés, no more fig
leaves. The question is not if help, healing and wholeness is available. The
question is, “Wilt thou be made whole?”
D. Peters-Smith, M.A., P.C.M.H.T.
(To inquire about my counseling, coaching and consultation services to churches, organizations and individuals, email me at joshuapeterssmith@gmail.com)
(To inquire about my counseling, coaching and consultation services to churches, organizations and individuals, email me at joshuapeterssmith@gmail.com)