Saturday, December 28, 2013

Do What It Takes

Any successful person will tell you that success is a process. There is no such thing as overnight success. Success is the result of struggle. What you may see on the surface as “overnight success” has a history behind it that is often overshadowed by the grandeur of the success itself. Many say that they want to be successful, but they are not willing to do what it takes to be successful. I often say, don’t shout over the prophecy if you can’t handle the process.

As I reflect back on this year, 2013, I would call this year a “success” for me. I am not a person who makes resolutions, neither am I the type of person to wait until a new year to start a new thing. However, I do set long term and short term goals for my life. I don’t have resolutions; I have goals, and I start every year (and pretty much every month) with a new set of goals for the year.

One of my major goals for this past year was to finish my master’s degree that I started in early 2009. After finishing my bachelor’s degree in mid 2008, I quickly came to the realization that I wanted to be more educated in the field of counseling and psychology. Through life’s transitions and lack of focus on my part at times, I stopped and started, stopped and started. My procrastination anointing was heavily exercised at times. It was only until I realized that I was missing opportunities that I decided to “buckle down” and get serious. Time waits for no one; neither does opportunities.

I was determined that after being derailed mid 2012 and not being able to graduate that I was going to do what it took to knock it out in 2013. It was at the end of 2012 that I learned that I would have to resign from my full time job in order to complete the required internship hours to complete my degree.  The job that I had worked on faithfully for 4 years (right out of undergraduate) suddenly announced to me that I could not complete my internship hours there.

I was comfortable on my job. I loved my clients and I loved the people I worked with. But I had to make a decision. Was I going to remain stagnant in a comfortable place or was I going to step out on faith. If you want to be successful, you must be willing to be temporarily inconvenienced. You must be willing to leave comfortable places and take risks. Sometimes you have to STEP out to FIND out!

My decision was made. I put in my notice and January 4, 2013 was my last day. I was jobless, outside of ministry. I was jobless but I still had bills. I had to make sacrifices, but I had to do what it took. I traveled to Virginia by train the following week for my last residency class on campus. I traveled by train because I couldn’t afford a plane ticket. I needed to have this class before I could start the internship the next week. I had to do what it took.  The train ride was long (21 hours) and uncomfortable. I had little money and I ate little, but I was determined to do what it took. God sustained me through it all.

At the end of the week, I was also scheduled to take my comprehensive (comps) exam for my degree. The test was four hours long and covered material from every course (20 courses) I had taken since the beginning of the program. I had three opportunities to take the test and pass. If I didn’t pass it the first time, I knew that meant I would have to come back to Virginia another time. I was determined to make the first time count. When I got my results back a few weeks later, I had knocked that test completely out of the park, because I was determined to be successful.

I left Virginia uncertain about what the coming weeks and months would hold. I had exhausted my savings. I borrowed money from family. I pawned things. But I was determined to be successful. I had to drop my pride and move back in with my parents temporarily. But I was determined to be successful.

At the end of February, I found a job. I was overqualified for the job, but they hired me anyway because of my education level and my experience in the field. It was an overnight job. I had to be at work at 10pm and I got off at 6:30am. I had to report to my internship site Monday through Friday at 7:30am. I would leave my internship at 4pm, go home, shower and go straight to bed so I could be back at work for 10pm. But I was determined to be successful.

There were days when I didn’t get any sleep because I couldn’t always go straight to sleep. I was still being asked to come preach locally (I had to turn down many engagements because they were not local). On those days, I would leave my internship site at 4pm, preach at 7pm and leave the Saints slain and slobbering at the altar because I had to leave by 9pm so I could get to work by 10pm, but I was determined to be successful. I didn't have time to sleep, I wanted success!

Fast forward to May 2013, I finished all of my degree requirements and was awarded my degree. I applied for a job (my dream job) the week after my degree was conferred. A few days later, I was called in for an interview. Two weeks later, I was called with a job offer making more money than I had ever made in my life. Not only that, in August 2013, I completed a graduate certificate in pastoral counseling from a seminary.

God not only sustained me, he restored me. I am now working on a doctorate in psychology. When I look back at 2013, I don’t have any regrets. I had a great year. All of my steps were ordered by GOD and He favored me on every step. This has been one of the best years of my life. I learned determination, resilience and real faith. I learned that I could do all things through Christ who strengthens me. I learned that at my lowest points, I could still effectively encourage others. I learned that the times when you really feel like giving up, you're closer to your breakthrough then than you could even imagine. I learned that dreams really do come true, if you’re willing to do what it takes.

You have dreams and goals, but are you willing to do what it takes? There will be times when you feel like giving up on your dreams, but then you realize that there are too many people watching you and waiting to follow the trail you’ve blazed.

Success is never accomplished by accident. You must be intentional about your plans. You must be willing to take risks. You must be willing to be temporarily inconvenienced. You must be focused and disciplined. It won’t always be comfortable, but I promise you’ll enjoy the results! This blog is not just about educational pursuits; it was written to encourage you in any goal or dream that you have for the future. The best season of your life is ahead of you. Are you willing to do what it takes?

2014: “The Year of the Dream” (Psalm 126:1-6)

Purchase your copy of my book, "Dream Again: The Journey Toward Destiny" here: